
CoverMe’s Vault: A Secure Space for Your Private Data

There are many reasons why you may want to keep some information on your phone hidden from others. You might have confidential business communications, personal information or anything else that you want to keep private. Android offers its users many features, but one important area where it is lacking is a secure space to store your private data. That’s where CoverMe can step in to help.

CoverMe allows you to:

1. Hide photos, videos, documents, audio clips and notes
The CoverMe personal android vault is a location which is fully encrypted and hidden from view. When you log in to the Personal Vault using your password, you access all your hidden and encrypted files. The Personal Vault can copy files from your main storage or other locations and lock these files away from those who you do not wish to see them with unbreakable encryption.

2. Use a secured camera (Vault Camera)
You can take pictures while you are in the android vault and the photos will be directly saved in the vault, without having to go through your phone’s camera roll.

3. Hide Contacts
Contacts can be stored in CoverMe android vault’s private address book. This way, if someone gets hold of your phone and looks through your system address book, they will never find the secret contacts you want to keep hidden.

4. Hide call/SMS logs
When you use CoverMe to make calls or send SMS, the calls and texts are encrypted and the record logs will not appear on your mobile phone bill, keeping your trail clean.

5. Manage passwords
With so many passwords that we need to remember, it is easy to forget a few. CoverMe’s android vault has a password manager that can help you safely store any password you wish to keep, such as bank account passwords, email passwords, etc. CoverMe can also generate unique hard-to-crack passwords for you to use.

6. Encrypted cloud storage
With CoverMe cloud storage, you can save all your confidential information in a special cloud space allocated just for you, accessible whenever you need. CoverMe’s cloud has multiple levels of password protection making it a highly secure place to store your documents.

CoverMe gives you additional features, including:
1. Dot lock (double password)
2. Shake-to-close
3. Auto-lock in background
4. Break-in alarm

How Safe is End-to-End Encryption?

In the last couple of years, the phrase “end-to-end encryption” has been appearing more often around the Internet and in the news . What exactly does it mean and how safe is it really?

End-to-end encryption  is a method of secure communication that prevents third-parties from accessing data while it's transferred from one device to another. In end-to-end encryption, the data is encrypted on the sender's device and only the recipient is able to decrypt it. Nobody in between, whether they are the Internet service provider, application service provider or hacker,  can read it or tamper with it. The cryptographic keys used to encrypt and decrypt the messages are stored exclusively on the sender and receiver’s devices.
Many mainstream communication platforms have adopted end-to-end encryption, including Apple iMessage, Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, but how safe is this technology? Does it really protect your messages from the minute you send it till your recipient reads it?
Telegram Messenger is a communications app that offers end-to-end encryption for its users. Previously, we had learned that hackers can easily break into a Telegram messenger account by intercepting user authentication text messages.  Recent news reports have revealed a bug in Telegram that any information the user copies and pastes into their Telegram chats will be logged into syslog on macOS. Hackers can then find the syslog file and see messages from user chats.
This shows that end-to-end encryption has vulnerabilities depending on the application service provider. Let’s now discuss how CoverMe has been designed to prevent these vulnerabilities:
· CoverMe does not support log-in from multiple devices, removing the possibility for the kind of user authentication texts that allowed breaking-into Telegram accounts.
· User data is never saved on CoverMe’s servers, removing the risk of hackers breaking into our servers and accessing user data.
· CoverMe has effective intruder alarm notifications to alert you when someone has tried to break-into your account. When someone enters the wrong password to try to enter CoverMe, your phone’s front facing camera will take a picture of the intruder. The photo, time of break-in and even the GPS location of the break-in will be saved in a file for you to check later.
As you can see, not all end-to-end encryption apps are built the same. CoverMe has been carefully designed by security experts to be safe, reliable and protective of your personal data.
Attention Parents! Are Your Children Using Secret Text Apps?

Secret text apps were first developed for businesses to discuss confidential matters privately. Texts will automatically delete after being read, leaving no evidence of what was said. The sender can feel secure knowing that the message they sent won’t be read by anyone else but the recipient and the recipient does not need to remember to delete the message as the message will delete by itself. Not only do secret text apps have self-destructing messages, but the app icon can also be disguised so others won’t know that you are using a secret text app.

Gradually, other users in the general public started to catch on to the benefits of using secret text apps. Teenagers especially like to use these apps to send private messages to friends without their parents finding out. The teenage years are a difficult time for youngsters, they are going through emotional and body changes and sometimes they need a private communication method. There is nothing wrong with that and it can be healthy if your child has a friend they can trust and talk with. However, as parents, you should have a watchful eye on your child’s activities to make sure they are not getting in trouble or being tricked by people. Parents need to be aware of the types of secret text apps available and what they can do.
Some popular secret text apps:
1. Confide
Encrypted messages will self-destruct after being read. Confide is available for smartphones and for desktops allow cross platform communication. Confide prevents readers from taking screenshot on most platforms and only  a few words in the message can be read at a time. The reader moves their finger over the message to make words appear.

2. CoverMe
Messages sent between CoverMe users are protected by strong military-grade encryption technology. You can decide when your messages will be deleted: immediately after your recipient reads it or after a specified time. You can also remotely delete a message whenever you want to.

3. Cyber Dust
Billionaire Mark Cuban enters the messaging app world with Cyber Dust secret text app. Once the recipient views the Cyber Dust note, it vanishes permanently in 30 seconds. Messages and photos cannot be traced and are not stored anywhere – not even on Cyber Dust’s servers – assuring all users a high level of privacy and security.


Get a Free Anonymous Phone Number For Dating

When you meet someone on an online dating site, you can first send messages and chat with each other online. By its nature, sending messages on a dating website provides a natural barrier between you and the other person. If you ever want to end the communications, you can just stop. Then it gets to a point where you want to exchange phone numbers and hear each other’s’ real voice and eventually meet-up in real life. Do you give your real phone number? What if it doesn’t work out and your date starts calling your phone number non-stop?

This is why it is a good idea to use a disposable anonymous phone number when you start dating a person. A number that you can start-up and terminate at any time and keep your real phone number private. When you don’t want to use the disposable phone number anymore, you simply terminate it and get a new number again.

Along with being an excellent mobile communications app for secure encrypted phone calls and messages, CoverMe can also give you a disposable anonymous phone number that would be great to use when you start dating. You can get a real U.S. or Canada phone number and use this number to send and receive calls and texts just like a normal phone number. The rates are low and the call quality is clear.

With a CoverMe anonymous phone number, you can also set up a black list to block unwanted callers and you scan set-up call forwarding to forward your calls to a different phone number as well.

Dating is hard enough these days! Of course we all hope to meet our perfect match and never have to go through the ordeals of dating again, but the reality is that we may have to try and try again many times before we find Mr. or Mrs. Right. For those times when you need to ditch your phone number and start fresh, use an anonymous phone number from CoverMe to take away some anxiety of dating.


Take Back Your Privacy, Encrypt Your Phone!

As the documents released by Edward Snowden showed us, government agencies have the ability to read the text messages of normal citizens in the U.S. and many other countries around the world. This is a major invasion of privacy and it gives the government the ability to track our movements too.

But what if you say, “I don’t have anything to hide”? Fair enough, however, it is not just a matter of not having things to hide. Hackers can intercept your text messages and get information about you to sell for advertising or marketing  purposes. Then you will have to deal with annoying telemarketers bothering you with endless calls at home.

One way that we can fight back against institutions gathering and using our data is to make sure we use encryption to send texts. The way encrypted text works, is that our message is encrypted before we send it to our recipient. Only our recipient has the decryption key to descramble the message and read it. If hackers intercept our encrypted text message, they will still not be able to decrypt the message and they won’t be able to get any information from it.
Text encryption is necessary for confidential business discussions, sending financial information or just anytime we don’t want others spying on us.

CoverMe uses military-grade end-to-end encryption technology in its mobile communications app. When you send a message to another CoverMe user, it will be protected from the moment you send it until your recipient opens it. You can send photos and videos using CoverMe text messages and your photos and videos will be encrypted with the same protection. When you use CoverMe to make phone calls to another CoverMe user, the phone call is digitized and it is also encrypted.

Since we live in a time of government spying, public social media profiles, hackers intercepting our messages and calls, the world can start to feel like a scary place . But there is hope, because of apps like CoverMe that gives us the tools to take back our privacy! So don’t delay anymore and make sure your phone can send encrypted text messages.


Who Is Trying to Break-into My Phone?

Our phones have become essential tools in our modern world. We keep our private phones on our phones, all our text messages, notes, and maybe even passwords are kept on our phones. We even use our phones to do shopping and banking too. Although we have our phones with us almost all the time, there must be some moments when we leave our phone unattended. What can we do to protect our phones then?

With all the personal confidential data we put on our phones, it is important to equip our phones with  mobile security functions to protect our data. CoverMe’s mobile phone communications app is built-in with mobile security functions to keep snoopers out of your phone.

1. Automatic Lock

As a first line of defense, when you leave your phone unattended for 1 minute, CoverMe app will automatically lock, preventing snoopers from seeing your personal data in CoverMe. You can set-up CoverMe to lock other apps too.

2. Shake-to-Lock

If someone walks near you when you are looking at confidential information on your phone, you can quickly lock your phone by giving it a shake. In one quick, smooth movement, you can protect your personal data from unwanted eyes.

3. Intruder Alarm

Even though CoverMe’s mobile security functions fully protects your phone from intruders, wouldn’t you like to know who it is trying to break into your phone? CoverMe has a function that will take a photo of the intruder who tries to break-into your phone by guessing at your password. Every time an incorrect password is entered, your front-facing camera will take a photo of the person and the time and location of the break-in attempt will be stored in a file for you to check later.

4. Military Grade Encryption

Alright, so CoverMe’s mobile security functions can protect your phone from people around you. Now what about protecting your messages after you’ve sent them out? CoverMe uses military grade encryption technology to provide end-to-end protection for your messages. When you send a message to someone who is also using CoverMe, the message will be encrypted, then sent to the recipient.

5. User Data is Never Stored on CoverMe’s Servers
To further prevent leaks of your personal data, CoverMe will never store your data on our servers. Your data is only stored on your phone.


Protect the Data on Your Phone

The moment we connect to the Internet, our private information becomes vulnerable to hackers. When we use smartphones, we are constantly connected to the Internet and our phones contain so much valuable private information. If hackers gain access to our phones, they can easily read our chat messages, look through our photos and gain access to our contact lists.  With so much important information on our phones, we need to learn about privacy protection.

Let’s look at 4 vulnerable areas on our phones:
1. Contacts

Do not put your contacts in the system address book! Most phone systems don’t provide any kind of protection for your address book.

2. Chat messages

Our chat messages are one of the easiest targets for hackers. They can see who we are talking to, how often, when and about what subject.
3. Photos

Remember the iCloud celebrity photo scandal? Thousands of private and compromising photos from celebrities were hacked and leaked all over the Internet! Even though the average person is not a celebrity, our photos are just as important to us and are an important part of privacy protection.

4. Use a disposable phone number

If hackers get hold of your phone number sell it to telemarketers, you will start getting annoying phone calls all day. Even if you block the number, a new number will start calling you. You cannot turn off your phone, because you need to be reachable for your family and work. So an important tool for privacy protection is to have a disposable phone number that you don’t mind to terminate when telemarketers start to bother you.
CoverMe, a well-known expert in the privacy industry, has included privacy protection measures in their smartphone app to protect you from hackers. Here is how CoverMe provides a solution to the 4 vulnerable areas mentioned above:

1. You should make your important contacts a private contact and store these private contacts in CoverMe’s secure address book.

2. CoverMe’s self-destructing messages removes your messages from your recipient’s phone. This ensures that your messages are only read by the people you want to read them.

3. Store your private photos and videos in CoverMe’s impenetrable vault where they are protected with encryption.

4. Get a disposable phone number from CoverMe. This is a phone number that you can give out when you need to protect your real phone number. If telemarketers get their hands on the number and start bothering you, you can terminate the number and get a new one.